Our (Home) Birth Story (Surprise Breech Birth at Home)

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3๐—”๐—  I woke up with contractions after a week of irregular tightenings. These were coming every 5 minutes with lower back pain. I had to focus.

I was able to rest through them until 7๐—”๐—  when my daughter woke. She was picked up at 10๐—”๐—  and as she left they ramped up. At 11๐—”๐—  I needed the tens machine on and used my hypnobirthing breathing I had practiced in pregnancy.


I had regular text contact with my midwife and hubby was home. I had my essential oils diffusing and my birth playlist keeping me calm. My birth ball was used to sway through contractions. At this point I was labouring on my own which I wanted.

At 2๐—ฃ๐—  my waters broke. Things started to amplify from here. I needed my husband close and no longer wanted to be alone. He set up the birth pool while I laboured in the shower. Hot water was calming.

I rocked through contractions, swaying my hips and used my breathing tools. My husband used counter pressure on my sacrum and gave me light touch massage. I was becoming more vocal during contractions.

4๐—ฃ๐—  my midwife arrived. She observed me briefly and called our second midwife. The pool was ready and inviting. I was reluctant to get in. It would mean no more tens machine but hello hydrotherapy. I got in 


My contractions werenโ€™t getting longer. They were getting stronger. I found it difficult initially to get in a good position in the pool. I got my groove. Upright. On my knees. Hands holding the wall as a contracted. All the intensity was in my stomach and thighs.

My birthing music wasnโ€™t giving me the energy I needed and I asked for a more upbeat playlist. This helped. My midwives observed as a breathed through contractions and used sound to lengthen my relaxation out breath.

My husband served me with snacks, Ningxia Red and coconut water. I needed him to continue counter pressure. I also wanted hot water down my spine while contracting. What a birth partner!

I had a quick transition and cried it out. I reminded myself I was about to meet my baby. I was waiting for the ring of fire or pressure in my bum. It never came. I felt the urge to push and listened to my body. I braced and beared down. I had the desire to bring my in knees together while leaving feet wide.

A foot popped out!

My midwives were both behind me instantly. He was surprising us with his own divine plan. Breech birth! I had been checked the day before with no indication.

I pushed during surges and another foot. Then his body and chest. My midwife told me to stand up out of the water and push even if I didnโ€™t have a surge.

At 6.39๐—ฃ๐—  our son was born and in my arms. Not long after I got out of the pool and onto the toilet to deliver my placenta without intervention.

Iโ€™m so grateful to our team for giving us a home birth. What a gift for our family to experience 

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