A Birth Partner Perspective on Hypnobirthing

Scott Jenkins is a PT at Good Life and owner of Ignite Health Fitness and Life, husband to Yvette, father to 3yr old Jaycob and about to become a dad again when they will welcoming their baby girl in the coming weeks. 

This is what her recently wrote in his business newsletter about attending a Private Hypnobirthing Australia™ course with me.

‘I said I would talk briefly about our Hypnobirthing course, so I will do that. Let me tell you it has been an absolute eye opener and in my opinion, they should be showing/teaching Hypnobirthing at schools instead of the frightening stuff they show us during sex ed. 

Over time, there has been so much fear instilled with women when it comes to childbirth and I believe a lot of that is due to what we see on TV. With that fear, there is the association of pain. Now I am not going to profess as to how childbirth is, what it feels like during or even after the event. I will say though, we have witnessed some of the hypnobirthing videos of women going through their labour and we were just in awe. These women are having relatively stress free, almost relaxing births without the pressure of having to push like crazy and pain dealt with in a much more positive way. The women are encouraged to work with their contractions (referred to as surges as a way of using more positive terminology) relax and allow their uterus to do, what is was designed to do during birth. 

There is a lot that goes into Hynobirthing (yes there is an element of SELF hypnosis), but let’s look at it this way… Sometimes... is there a better way of approaching different circumstances or situations in life? I hope we all say yes to that one. Hypnobirthing is about giving women the ability to have a positive birth experience and making informed decisions through education. A positive birthing experience being whatever the woman chooses at the time. 

I wanted to share this because you just don’t hear about such courses or information unless you almost search hard for it yourself. So if you know someone who is thinking about having children or is pregnant, please recommend them to at least have a look at the Hypnobirthing Australia website.’

I absolutely love his birth partner perspective on hypnobirthing!

You can check out more from Scott and his business from his original newsletter post here

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