Kind Words 

I’d really like to thank you for everything that you’ve taught us. Tom came in not really knowing what to expect, however he’s walked away being fully educated, prepared and now knows what is expected of him to be a supportive birth partner. We thoroughly enjoyed the course and cannot thank you enough for being so open and knowledgeable!!

Thank you so so much once again, you’ve really changed my outlook on birth and have 100% made me determined to birth as naturally as possible!!
— Leia & Tom - August Group Workshop 2022

We reflected on it (hospital education classes) at the end by saying how lucky/spoilt we were by having you as our positive birth coach, and by having a good OB! We also felt we were well educated with the topics they touched on.
Thank you so much for educating us and giving us the tools to help us for our birth. We are practicing our skills/listening to the tracks! Have been recommending the course to everyone - literally the best investment financially, emotionally and physically.
If anything I feel it should be mandatory for all couples to take the course during pregnancy haha. Would be interesting to see the birth statistics if this was the case!
— - Jodie & Stu (Feb 2022 Group Class)
I absolutely loved your classes and Thanasi learnt so much as well. I feel so much more prepared for what’s to come and I can’t thank you enough for all the knowledge that we have gained through your class.
— Cristina & Thanasi (June Group Class 2022)
My husband and I highly recommend Nikki and the Connected Hypnobirthing program. We recently had our second baby (our first was born via cesarean section) and the information and techniques we learned from Nikki definitely made us feel prepared and informed throughout the whole process. We had a successful VBAC and the tools we had learned from Nikki certainly played a large part in that. I felt in control throughout my birth and my husband knew how to support and advocate for myself and our baby too. Nikki’s experience as a midwife meant she has a wealth of knowledge and experience that you may not get in other programs. She went above and beyond answering any questions I had and continually checked in leading up to the birth. If you are considering booking classes, do it! Can’t recommend enough!
— Tegan & Dave (Feb Group Class 2022)

We loved our sessions with Nikki! As first time parents Nikki made us feel extremely comfortable to ask anything, even those silly questions you feel embarrassed to ask. Her knowledge as a midwife was exceptional and after our sessions we walked away not only feeling prepared and empowered to have a positive birth experience, but also with the confidence to tackle all the crazy and exciting challenges that were awaiting for us as parents!
— Elyse and Justin Mitris
Nikki is an angel. Well, she certainly felt that way to me. I was recommended to speak with Nikki when I was considering a home birth, and was looking for some guidance and support to safely bring our baby into the world, in our home. Nikki not only empowered me with her knowledge and recommendations but with her unwavering belief in my ability to naturally birth my baby. I walked away from our time together confident, calm and totally empowered. Nikki has a beautiful open mind and heart, and was a treasured part of my experience as a birthing mumma.
— Jody McGrice
We were lucky enough to have a private antenatal session with Nikki. She is so passionate about being a midwife and sharing all her knowledge with you, it makes you feel a bit more at ease with what you’re about to go through. No question was too silly to ask and she took the time to explain it all in a way we would understand. She has been an amazing support throughout our entire journey and we highly recommend her.
— Sarah and Reece Watson

Thank you once again for having us for our Hypnobirthing Classes. We really enjoyed our time with you, learning all the techniques for our toolkit. Both Adam and I feel we are more confident in each other, full of knowledge and feel more ready for Peanut’s birthday. Thank you also for letting us meet your beautiful family, Abbie and Ollie are too adorable!
— Vanessa & Adam - Private Hypnobirthing Workshop.
We thought that the classes were great. I really enjoyed the refresher in natural birth and just chatting about pregnancy and birth in general! It is a great way to do a antenatal class with such a non medical, natural approach to everything. It really reminded me of why I got into Midwifery in the first place. I think that the course really develops communication between partners which Phil and I are lucky enough to do very well already but I can really see how helpful this might be for other people. The relaxation and letting go of fear have an amazing impact and I will be feeling very prepared when the time comes to meet baby! I think you went above and beyond with the set up and food provided. Thank you for the nut free options! I could go some of that Chocolate right now! Thankyou!
— Rosie & Phil - November Group Workshop
Liam and I also cannot thank you enough for all your guidance and support through our journey. Hypnobirthing is something I will truly treasure as not a lot of my birthing story was in my control but I was able to remain calm and birth my baby, my biggest dream had finally come true. I honestly couldn’t have gotten through it without the techniques and fear release.
— Angela & Liam - Private Workshop

Thank you again for running the course with us. Its been an emotional roller coaster and hypnobirthing saw us through it all with confidence in each other and in ourselves.
— Hypnobirthing parents Vanessa & Adam
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I honestly can’t thank you enough for your input into Harvey’s entrance. I honestly think we have such a calm baby because we were so clam during the birth and that seriously wouldn’t have been the case without the hypno! We will always remember what you’ve done for us.
— Hypnobirthing Parent Buzz & Abe, November Group Workshop
I now feel confident & in control.
I am looking forward to my birth.
Nikki you are so amazing.
Not only with the Mums but also with the Dads.
I learnt more than I thought I would & I feel like I’ve been given all of the tools I need leading up to my baby’s birth.
— Hypnobirthing Mum Cole - April Group Workshop
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I know I wouldn’t have had this experience if it weren’t for Nikki’s class. I went into labour expecting no pain, was knowledgeable as to the process and what to expect, and had zero fear (except during transition if I’m honest).
— Hypnobirthing Mum Sarah

I really feel that the birthing affirmations got into my brain because I was completely focused during the labour on breathing and pushing through, I knew I wanted to try the gas and confirmed this in labour when the surges were getting very intense but not once did it enter my mind that I couldn’t do it or needed any other pain relief at all. I think the power of the mind is so amazing and I was determined to push through the intense sensation to meet my little girl. I’m so glad I did hypnobirthing and would recommend it to any mums looking to try as low an intervention birth where possible.
— Hypnobirthing Mum Naomi
I cannot speak more highly of Nikki and her support - she was professional, grounding, positive and reassuring.
— Hypnobirthing Mum Rochelle

I can’t thank you enough - the course was excellent and you really are a fantastic presenter. Like I said, it was everything I hoped it would be! Practical and highly informative. I now feel ready.
I think one of the best things has been how good it was for Dan. You may have noticed that he’s not the best at sitting still for long periods of time and he also hadn’t done much research into pregnancy or the birthing process. From our conversations after the course I can see he has honestly taken in so much of what you shared with us. We are now on the same page with everything and prepared for our birth journey together! That makes me feel confident that no matter what, we have a positive experience ahead of us. Oh, and he keeps saying that the course is something that should be offered to everyone instead of the hospital classes ... So again - thank you!
— Hypnobirthing Mum Claire
Scott and I decided to do the private Hypnobirthing Australia classes with Nikki after hearing positive stories from others who had done hypnobirthing before. This was our third baby and I knew I wanted a natural birth with some strategies for coping with labour. I was so happy that we did the course because it educated me about the birth process, my rights and choices for birth, I could develop my own birth plan for the midwife so she knew exactly what we wanted, I started my affirmations, breathing and relaxation tracks. What I had learnt gave me focus for the coming weeks before my estimated due date to prepare my mind and body for birth and this made me feel empowered and in control. Im lucky that my birth went to plan and we could implement everything we had learnt. It was beautiful and amazing birth and my mission now is to tell as many people as I can about hypnobirthing so they know they have options. Thank you Nikki for being our hypno coach!

Macey Caitlin Jenkins born 10:04am (on her exact due date which is pretty clever as this only happens in about 3-5%) weighing 2.8kgs and 48cms long.
— Love Yvette, Scott, Jaycob & Macey
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We absolutely loved our classes with Nikki. We learnt valuable tools to set us up with the birthing experience we hope for. Nikki has so much knowledge and empowers you to have the birth you desire no matter the choices you make. I definitely would not be feeling this calm/comfortable about my birth if I didn’t do this class.
— Hypnobirthing Parents Jana & James

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We are so glad we did your hypnobirthing course. Thank you for everything you taught us, because we learned so much about birthing, that it is a natural process, and we did our homework about how we can achieve an intervention free birth. I had no fear going into it at all and in the lead up to it practiced my breathing, did the affirmations track and the Surge of the Sea track. I felt I was in complete control and had all the support I needed from Paul, and the midwives and my obstetrician at the hospital.
— Hypnobirthing Parents Mandy & Paul
The hypnobirthing classes were the best preparation for birth that we did as a couple. The classes were so positive and empowering for both the mum and the dad. We found it very useful to learn about all of the things we could do ourselves to get the birth that we wanted. During the course we built up a toolkit of useful techniques that could help us both during the birth and in the postnatal period. The practical elements, such as watching birthing videos, preparing the birth plan and practicing the techniques were very useful.
Our presenter Nikki was just amazing. She was so engaging and positive in every class. Her easy going and humorous approach was always appreciated. We would highly recommend taking the hypnobirthing classes if you are after a course that will give you a positive mindset and give you tools and techniques to best support your partner during birth.
— Hypnobirthing Parents Nicklas & Lucy
This is the perfect course to counteract all the fears and unknowns about birth that we are confronted with on a daily basis through the media and our social interactions. It helps you understand that pregnancy and birth is a normal physiological process and helps demystify the labour and birth process. It helped us connect as a couple, and my partner now feels that he will be able to help and support me through the labour process. Nikki is a fantastic teacher and her years of expertise in the field of midwifery and hypnobirthing make her the perfect teacher for this course. We would recommend it to anyone! We both thought this course was amazing, and was worth every cent. After both days we felt more prepared with practical tools to assist with the birth of our baby, as well as a greater understanding of the physical side of labour and birth. Nikki answered all of our questions with such expertise, and after this course we feel far better prepared for the arrival of your little one.
— Hypnobirthing Parents Annicka & Aaron