Hypnobubs® Online Workshop Course Includes:
Module 1: Mindset Matters
•How our brain is ‘wired’ to birth
•Mind/body connection and how this can help or hinder us
•How fear can affect birth
•Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
•Re-programming our mind
•Maintaining a positive mindset
•The language of birth
•The power of affirmations
•How to use self-hypnosis to create and maintain a positive mindset
Module 2: Toolkit for Birth
•The importance of facial relaxation
•Relaxation Breathing – a skill for life
•Surge Breathing – the best tool ever!
•The ‘urge’ to push/bear down – breathing down
•Visualisations for birth
•Birth music
•Aromatherapy/sense of smell
•Instant ways to relax deeply
•Self-hypnosis techniques
Module 3: Knowledge is Power
•Reading and research
•‘Guess date’ – a normal range of pregnancy
•Types of inductions
•Achieving a natural start to labour
•Membranes releasing
•How do I know I’m in labour?
•When to call our caregivers
•Signs that labour is progressing
•Positions for birthing
•Transition – not a dirty word!
•Getting pushy – trusting our natural instincts
•Our baby’s first moments
•Undisturbed bonding/breastfeeding time – skin to skin
•Birthing the placenta
Module 4: Support & Choices
•Birth Preferences
•Choosing supportive caregivers
•How your caregivers can help with hypnobirthing
•Birth partner’s role
•Cheat sheet for birth partner
•Using touch to trigger the release of endorphins
•Using touch for anchoring
•Prompts for birthing
•Creating a special birth space
•Special circumstances – making informed decisions
•Breech or posterior positioned babies
•What if I need interventions or a caesarean?
•Rehearsal for birth practical session
Module 5: Preparation is the Key
•Maintaining a healthy diet
•Staying active during pregnancy
•Routine for practice – repetition, repetition, repetition
•Maintaining the mindset for empowered birthing
•Releasing fears
•Empowerment practical exercise