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Group Workshops for 2025 - Book Now!

Held at blend of either Vitality Semaphore, Semaphore & Manna Studio, McLaren Vale

Adelaide SA

Private Classes, Refreshers, Private Sessions with the Hypnobubs Online Course and Birth Story Listening Sessions available.

Please know it is just me managing this business (website, social media, emails etc) and as a busy mum of 3 and on call midwife I ask for patience in responding and keeping things update.

I am incredibly grateful that over the years I have had kind words and feedback shared from the amazing couples that have had attend workshops with me and this feedback means the world to me but with regulations from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) prevent me from displaying individual testimonials for our services directly.

To hear firsthand what clients have to say about their experience with attend a course with me, please visit our Google Reviews directly.

Hypnobirthing in Adelaide

Hey Mumma, your calm, unique & positive birth experience is possible. 


Hi, I'm Nikki

a mumma, midwife  and hypnobirthing practitioner based in Adelaide SA.

I stand for empowering women in birth, motherhood + life.


I believe in...

Empowering & educating women and the power of the hypnobirthing australia™ ‘Positive Birth Program

because i have experienced and embodied it.


What is Hypnobirthing? 

Hypnobirthing Australia™ is the fastest growing and leading independent childbirth education program in Australia. The Positive Birth Program is high quality, modern and evidence based with the bonus of self-hypnosis, which is really fancy word for self controlled deep relaxation. While hypnobirthing may sound intriguing to many, there are a few misconceptions about what it is - so let me explain it a little more... 

Hypnosis is used to achieve a state of pure relaxation, whilst still in a conscious state. Therefore, throughout your hypnobirth you will not be asleep or 'in a trance', you will simply be in a deep state of relaxation. You are in complete control of this process, and with the techniques learnt throughout the course, you will be able to move in and out of hypnosis at any time. The secret weapon in achieving your calm and gentle birth is - your mind. 

During a Connected Hypnobirthing workshop you will learn a combination of hypnotherapy, breathing, massage, acupressure and deep relaxation techniques to encourage you to relax and release any fear or anxiety surrounding the birth of your baby.  You will also develop a deeper understanding of how the mind works, and how this understanding can assist you in achieving a calm and positive birthing experience. 

When the body and mind is relaxed and free from fear, it is able to let go and allow the birthing body to open, releasing endorphins and do what it is designed to do...

Maternity & Birth Photos by Victoria Berekmeri - Adelaide Birth Photographer

Maternity & Birth Photos by Victoria Berekmeri - Adelaide Birth Photographer

Birth Photography by Sami Richardson